Since the rural reform started in 1979, China’s agricultural land system has experienced fundamental changes in land use intensity, spatial configuration pattern, and land tenure settings. Firstly, the spatial configuration of China’s cropland and major crops were analysed. Specifically, we used annual agricultural statistics at the county level from 1980 to 2011 for all of China to analyse the changes in spatial clustering and inequality of overall cropland and of the harvested areas of the five major crops (rice, maize, wheat, soybean, and potato). After that, we used spatial panel regressions to quantify the determinants of the observed changes cultivated areas for the major cultivation centres of the five crops. The results showed that the cropland area and harvested areas of the major crops indeed became more homogeneous over time. Higher population was associated with more areas dedicated to these crops while GDP growth and increasing road density negatively affected the extent of the harvested areas, arguably mirroring the rapid urbanization and economic development. Overall, increasing concentration may offer opportunities in specialization and positive agglomeration effects but can reduce the resilience of food systems and agricultural sustainability due to increasing reliance on fewer crops and fewer places of production.