教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地  |  中国CTTI智库来源单位 |  陕西高校新型智库

主页 > 讲座报告 > 正文
Water supply management for cities stressed by rapid urbanization

报告人:Prof. Ken Howard

主持人:方兰 教授

时间:2019-11-01 15:00:00




    In the past 44 years, Ken Howard MSc, PhD, PHG, PGeo, CGeol FGS has worked on groundwater projects around the world, authoring or co-authoring 250 articles including 6 books. His interests range from aquifer recharge assessment and regional groundwater modelling to contaminant migration, seawater intrusion and the impact of climate change on global water resources. He has a special interest in the management and protection of groundwater in urban areas, and the importance of good urban water governance. He has been working and publishing research with colleagues in China for nearly 20 years. As a professional hydrogeologist, he is certified by the American Institute of Hydrology, chartered by the British Geological Society and registered as a Professional Geoscientist with the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, Canada. He worked as a research hydrogeologist at the University of Birmingham in UK from 1975 to 1981 and has been a Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of Toronto since then.  He also does considerable work in the consulting industry and is currently advising the government of Singapore on future options for groundwater supply.  A member the International Association of Hydrogeology (IAH) for three decades, he was elected IAH President in 2012. After four years of IAH service as President, he is presently enjoying a four-year term as Past-President (2016-2020).

